Monday, January 05, 2015
Starting off the new year with my own blog, my first post is about my trip to Hamburg.
Since I live in Austria and Hamburg is about 9 hours away from here if you drive there with a car, my friend and I decided to go there by plane, though she was a little bit afraid of her first flight. I have to say I love flying and I really enjoyed it since my last flight was years ago.
I'm always amazed how you can see the change of the weather. At the airport in Munich it was freezing and snowy, but when we were up in the sky thousand metres over the earth, everything was bright blue and full of beautiful different looking clouds. It's like you are in another world for a small amount of time. If you listen to your favorite music and watch the sky gone by, you can forget all your sorrows for a while until you reach your destination.
In my oppionion the flight was way too short, at least that one hour felt like it was over too fast, because I could spend hours looking out the window and watch everything passing by.
Love xx
Love xx
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